Karsyn Roberts


  • Alumni

Biology I SI Leader (Spring 2016)
Biology II SI Leader (Fall 2016)

Hometown: Rossville, TN

During her undergraduate career, Karsyn was a member of the Pi Beta Phi Sorority. She had the honor of choreographing Chi Omega's Limelight and Sigma Chi's Derby Days. Karsyn was on the President's list during her entire undergraduate career and graduated Summa Cum Laude. 

After graduating in May 2017, Karsyn began working on a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree at Emory University. She plans to graduate in May 2020. 

Karsyn said of her time with SI, "I strongly encourage anyone to be a part of the SI program! This program allowed me to connect with students on a weekly basis and assist with their studies. I believe that these students were able to be open with me and ask questions that they were too nervous to ask their professors. It was also very helpful for them because I had taken the Biology class a couple of years earlier. Nothing can beat the feeling of helping a student reach a goal that they never thought they would when they first began the semester!"